Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Nihama Officer's Mess, Etajima 1946

The officer's mess seems to have been called 'Nihama'. I have found a number of hotels with this name in modern Japan. Most of the captions written on the backs of the photos say "Nihama" but two say "Miyako Hotel". It has a swimming pool that also features in a number of the photographs.

The picture below says: "Officers Mess Nihama" and lists those in the picture as Major B. Jones-Walters (he is sitting in the middle at the front), Capt. W. Wilson R.A.M.C., Lt. S.L.S. Pullen, Lt. Timms, Lt. Avery N/Z Army.

There are a number of pictures of the building. In the second picture two officers can be seen through the open first floor window. Neither of these photographs have descriptions or captions. 

There are three photographs that show the women who worked in the mess standing in front of the same building. This one says: "Group of serving girls, ETA 1946". They wear a mixture of traditional and modern clothing.

The next one says: "Serving girls ETA-JIMA APR 46".

And this: "Serving girl ETA 1946".

The pool was obviously popular and there are a number of photographs of it and the officers using it. My father is on the right in this one looking slim, suntanned and fit.

The above picture had no caption but on the following it says "Bob, Frank, Stan, Stuart and self". I think my father is in the middle.

The next one says: "Frank Avery NZ and Doc. Wilson at pool Nihama.

Then there is a group by the pool which simply says: "Boyos Nihama".

The last two have "Miyako Hotel Swimming Pool" written on the back. They are either of a different pool or they are taken from a different angle.

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